Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mickey's Money

Women Health Blog #5
 My reaction to the video clips on the working conditions for women around the World.

‘Mickey Mouse Goes to Haiti’
 I viewed the documentary about factory workers in Haiti working for the Disney Company.   , but are paid extremely low wages by the Disney Company, and are treated poorly, and overworked. Despite all of this, the workers still seemed to be appreciative of their jobs

 On one hand, the Disney Company is providing jobs in Haiti, but on the other hand they are not even ensuring that the workers are treated fairly, nor are they at the least decently paid.  With this I am a bit disturbed and daunted. 

While Disney is paying the workers something like .7 or .17 cents per hour, it is only 58cents an hour that they would need to make a decent living.  In paying this, the Disney Company would still be coming out way ahead, so I can not understand why these simple improvements are not being met. 

 Because of the economic differences, in a way I can understand offering  lower wages than then here in America, after all, this is the reason they are providing jobs in Haiti, however, this is a ridiculous extreme.  I strongly believe the Disney Company should provide a livable wage to say the least. I also believe they should  ensure comparable working conditions, being an American company. These are human beings involved taking care of families just like the employees here. If Disney is going to take advantage of cheap labor, they can at least provide sufficient circumstances. Unless there are other factors that I am unaware of, this, to me is an example of pure greed.It seems like it would be an easy fix for such a strong, powerful, and influential company.  One would think that the CEO would be aware of this type of extreme situation.

 After thinking all of the factors through, this still doesn’t make sense to me and is quite appalling. Because corporations are so huge and many factors are involved, I can only place blame on the CEO of the Disney Company, in my opinion. 


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bipolar Buddy

 I have had experiences with a friend that had bipolar disorder. It was as if they lived a life of two extremes.   It affected their personality, day to day lives and even their work. 

 Although they were diagnosed, they went off of their medication for a time, claiming they did not have a problem.  At times they could be a very exciting person with a great amount of energy and a zest for life.  On the other hand, they could turn into a very mean and angry person that could turn this way at the drop of a hat.  This was very frustrating, as this was a very close friend that I cared for. 

 It did affect their life as far as socially, as well as their employment.  They would often have to change jobs because of this mood change and forms of depression.  On the times they were experiencing “highs” they were very talkative, on-the-go and would have an activity-filled day. They were on cloud 9 and nothing could get in their way. They were very enjoyable to be around.

 I have learned a lot about this disorder from knowing them.  I have learned how to recognize it in others, and it prompted me to study on this further.  From researching this topic I now have a better understanding of it and how others are affected.   I have learned that you can not really help them, no matter how hard you try and that the only thing that will help is professional treatment and medications.  Sometimes it is just best to distance yourself from them and wait out their ‘mood’.   

Also, it is important others to know not to blame yourself for their change in mood or anger, no matter what their excuse is. Telling their friends or family about this may help with encouraging them to seek the treatment they need. 

Currently, my friend is taking medication and is almost a new person.  Though not the same, they maintain a balance in their mood and personality and they now lead a healthier lifestyle. 

If you do know someone with bipolar disorder, this website may help. It also has a forum where you can chat with others and ask questions.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Menopause Abroad

Menopause Abroad: how menopause is viewed from a different cultural perspective

  When we think of the term ‘menopause’, it may carry negative undertones for some women.  We may first think of the ‘negative’ effects that it has on women and about the end of their birthing capabilities or of aging.  As it turns out, in a few other cultures menopause is thought of in a much different way. 
 One site that I found titled “Women to Women” describes how women of different cultures experience menopause.   What I learned that’s most interesting from this site is how women of Japan experience fewer ‘symptoms’ of menopause than women of  western culture do.  For example, in Japan, they do not even have a word for ‘hot flash’.  A lot of the research indicates that having fewer symptoms may be because of their diet and lifestyle.
  This time of change, that they call konenki is considered a time of “regeneration and renewal”, with the loss of menstruation being only one small factor in the bigger picture.  Konenki is roughly translated to ‘renewal years’ and ‘energy’.  It is an experience that is welcomed and respected.
  What I learned about rural Mayan Indian women is that they also look forward to menopause. (Everyday Health, EH 2012).  When they were interviewed, they found that they did not experience any significant symptoms during menopause.  With this change, women gradually obtain a higher status in their communities, are seen as spiritual leaders, and as ‘wise women’. 
 After reading of the other cultures, it makes me wonder how this natural change became such a dreadful experience here in the Western culture.  I hope this encourages women to see this maturation in a new and more positive light. 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Blog 2 Children: To have or not to have

For my blog, I have chosen to write about my opinion of having children.  While I don’t have now, these are my thoughts and opinions of the possible experiences and outcomes of having and raising kids.  
Instill Unselfishness and Responsibility
Because such a huge change is brought about with having children, I think that it gives an opportunity for one to learn to be unselfish. Being a parent is a twenty-four hour job that makes you have a sense of responsibility for another person.  Because you are accountable, not only for yourself, but another human being this may make you think about everything that you do and the choices that you make. This requires that you put the needs of your child before your own, yet it is when doing this that one realizes how much joy can come from caring for another.
Life Enrichment

Children can enrich your life. They approach the world with such wonder and this allows you to experience some of that wonder, relive experiences, and create new ones.  They approach life with such excitement, which is quite contagious.  Although some may think of the loss of freedom that parenthood brings, they most ultimately find that being a parent gives them a richer and fuller life.
Influence Self Care
Parents are more likely to take care of themselves health wise, because they realize that they are responsible for the care of another individual.  Raising kids forces parents to look beyond themselves, which is good for their mental well-being. So becoming a parent can help improve one's health and influences you to be more balanced and involved.
Effect Self Esteem
Having children can also increase your self-esteem. There is nothing quite like having your child look up at you and say, "You're the best mom in the whole world," or "Daddy, I want to be just like you when I grow up.  Having children means experiencing more love in your life. It also adds people to your world that love you. 
Learning Experience
 I believe raising children can offer a huge learning experience that brings a new perspective of life that each of us once had.  But also, they can bring us back to reality about the things in life that really matter the most.  
Future Investment
And lastly, children can turn out to be an investment for your future.  When you grow old, you just may have someone that will take care of you, or have grandchildren with which to spoil and spend your time with. 
Of course there are many good and practical reasons for not having children, so I don't  just see the decision as one-sided, but these are just a few of the reasons that influence my choice for having kids.  

Pictures retrieved from:,

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Women's Health Concerns

  The Health issue that I am most concerned about is cervical and breast cancer.  This is because it seems to be so prevalent and most of the time there aren’t really any major symptoms.   I am also concerned because of my lifestyle, such as the foods that I eat.  I do not always maintain a healthy diet.  I believe that eating processed and ‘fast foods’ may contribute to being more susceptible to cancer and other diseases. 
  Another reason I am concerned is that it has been a while since I had a check up and this is really the only way to know for sure how healthy you are.  I do plan to have a doctor’s visit soon and I will then hopefully have peace of mind. 
  When I asked Patti Powell, 53 of Oklahoma about the health issue she was most concerned about, she told me that it was definitely arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis more specifically.  She expressed to me how it is starting to effect her in a way that is somewhat debilitating.  She is concerned about how it will progress and what steps she can take to decrease its presence.
  Natalia Schumacher, 26 is most focused on weight gain; more specifically having to do with obesity.  While not a problem of her own, she sees how it can be a health risk in many ways.  She has witnessed how diabetes, heart problems, and high blood pressure, and even depression can all branch out from obesity.  Because of this she practices a healthy diet and exercise whenever she can to help lower her risk. 
Jerry Bernet, 79 of Dallas is particularly concerned with arthritis as was Patti Powell.  It is of concern with her because it affects her walking ability.  Her arthritis remains mostly in her hands and knees, thus her knees also affect her back, which causes further mobile issues. 
  In relation to the others’ concerns, they all differ with the exception of the arthritis issues.  They are similar to mine in that our overall health concerns have to do with our own bodies and common issues that are heard about everyday.  This may be due to the education and awareness that is available through out media and other groups.  

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hi, my name is Jill and I am majoring in Health Studies.  I am interested in everything that has to do with health and the body.  I also have an interest in natural medicine and healing therapies.  I chose health studies because it is not limited and you learn about a wide variety of health topics. My personal interest in health began when I was a kid.  It has just always been an interest.  I have found old notes that I wrote as a kid listing different health facts, tips, and such….
  I am looking forward to this class and I think it should be interesting.  I expect that I will learn the different aspects of women’s health that I can use now and in the future.  I have many hobbies, but my favorite are reading, working out, and shopping.  I also love dining out, trying new foods, and traveling. 
So, something that most people don’t know about me is that I play the drums.  Being a girl and 5’ foot nothing, I guess you couldn’t tell by looking at me.  My best friend didn’t even know until I started playing them after the band took a break….. : )